

Queen Alexandra Road, High Wycombe,Buckinghamshire, HP11 2JZ
  • 與英國NHS白金漢郡護理中心、伊靈醫院護理中心、倫敦中部和西北部NHS
  • 曾榮獲NHS英國國家醫療健保總局倫敦地區護理培訓人員素質第一名
  • 連續三年榮獲英國國家健保局NHS大倫敦地區護理學程排名前三名





新白金漢大學成立於1893年,是英國當地學生入學首選的前10大名校。具備先進的教學設備及優越的住宿條件,BBC英國廣播公司每月都會租用其音頻設備進行節目製作。學校專門成立Student Centre及Student Union Advice Centre幫助學生解決他們在學習及生活中的問題。 International Office國際學生事務處的員工會在假期前給學生學校週邊及倫敦各類景點及店鋪節日活動訊息,提供國際學生完整的假期計畫資源。目前新白金漢大學也是唯一的英國大學提供開放學生免費參加學生社團,無需繳納任何費用機制。
High Wycombe校區位於倫敦鄰近郊區,距希斯羅機場搭乘公車或火車30~40分鐘,往牛津、溫莎及巴斯等地交通便利。宿舍與校園間有公共接駁車,且學生持學生證即可免費乘坐,或步行僅需5分鐘。Uxbridge校區位於倫敦西部,從希斯羅機場搭乘地鐵即可到達,校園步行5~10分鐘即可到各大商場超市,護理及健康相關課程皆在此校區上課。


  • 課程針對英國國家健保局NHS認證的公私立醫療院所和獨立機構的醫療機構聘雇員工條件及護理及醫療照顧體系設計
  • 聯合高等教育機構參與社會工作方案,心理學系課程由英國心理學協會BPS認可
  • 完善的個別輔導規章,提供學生專業支援及建議


  • 課程受英國護理師暨助產士協會NMC認可
  • 臨床實習打工導師系統,專業護理人員指導學生
  • 可配合課程選修英國轉證海外護士培訓課程(ONP)
  • 重視理論與實務的結合,於健保局NHS當地照護中心安排完整實習計畫,深度熟悉英國健康醫療專業環境



學位:BSc(Hons) Nursing(Adult)

畢業學分:360 ECTS(歐洲學分)


課程名稱 學分
成人護理基礎技能 Foundation Skills for Adult Nursing 30
健康與疾病 Health & Illness Across the Lifespan 15
成人護理基礎培訓 Foundations of Adult Nursing Practice 60
護理學獨立學習 Independent Learning for Nursing 15
總學分數 120


課程名稱 學分
成人護理中階技能 Intermediate Skills for Adult Nursing 30
循證護理學社會環境 Evidence-based Practice & the Community 30
成人護理中階培訓 Intermediate Adult Nursing Practice 30
Broadening Perspectives on Practice 30
總學分數 120


課程名稱 學分
複合式成人護理照護技術 Adult Nursing Skills Underpinning Complex Care 30
護理學與偕同工作 Nursing & Collaborative Working 15
成人護理自主培訓 Towards Autonomy in Adult Nursing Practice 30
個人領導與管理能力養成 Personal Development for Leadership & Management 15
護理學研究 Research for Nursing 30
總學分數 120




生活費 學費
宿舍/月 三餐/月 交通卡/月 保險/月 手機/月 來回機票/年 £9,500
£1,000 £400 £200 £100 £30 £1,000
官網標示費用/年 約台幣211萬元



Nursing and ODP FAQs

How do I make an application? 
For the BSc and PGDip Nursing courses and the DipHE Operating Department Practice all applications should be made through the undergraduate area of UCAS.com. 
These courses have different entry requirements which are all listed on UCAS and on our website. 
You should make your application well in advance of the start of the course, if you are apply to start a course in September then UCAS has a 15 January deadline. 
Please include a reference with your application and a valid email address that you have access to so that we can contact you. 
Please also include all of your academic qualifications in your application. 

I'm a mature applicant, what should I do? 
If you are over the age of 21 then we can consider your work experience as well as relevant qualifications. 
If you haven't studied for a while we often recommend undertaking an Access course to prepare you for a degree level course. 
You may want to come and see us at one of our Open Days, you can find further information here: bucks.ac.uk/opendays. You will still apply through UCAS. 

I would like to change my course option/ start date, what should I do?
For us to make a change to the course or start date we need this in writing from you. 
Please email [email protected] with your name and UCAS personal ID number. 
This may not be possible and we may need to request a new personal statement from you. 

What happens after I have applied?
Once we have received your application, we will screen this against our entry criteria and look to invite you to a selection day or and assessment day.
We will notify you of the date and time through your UCAS Track and follow this up with an email containing details of the day and what you will need to bring with you two weeks before.
If you can't attend on that date you can request an alternative date through UCAS.
This won't happen immediately as interviews are scheduled in advance and will depend on dates being available.

What will happen on the selection day? 
The Operating department Practice selection day will take place over two days.
On the first day you will sit your maths assessment and two English assessments.
If you pass all of these then you will be invited back for a group and individual interview with the course team as well as one of our partners.
You will then be notified of the outcome via UCAS Track, within 10 working days in most cases.
The Nursing selection days will take place on one day.
You will sit your maths and English assessments, group interview and individual interview - this will take several hours in total.
You will then be notified of the outcome via UCAS Track, within 10 working days in most cases.
Interviews for both of these courses will take place at our Uxbridge Campus.

What are the conditions of my offer?
You will be able to check your conditional offer by logging onto UCAS track.
If you have a conditional offer you will need to meet these conditions before the course starts in order to enrol.
However, if you are still unsure then please contact us by emailing [email protected] or calling 01494 603 172.

I have been given an unconditional offer, what happens now?
You will have received a letter confirming that you have been given an offer and all you need to do now is choose which University to go to.
If you decide your first choice is Bucks then our accommodation team will be in touch with you about the options available.
Find out more about accommodation here. Joining Instructions will be sent to you in July for a September start or in December for a February start.
These will have some forms for you to complete and return and will let you know where to go during your first week.
Don’t forget you can join our Facebook group to meet other students on your course before starting.

How do I make my choice on UCAS track?
You need to wait until all your Universities have made you an offer before you can make your firm and insurance choices. 

Once this is done make sure you have done your research into the University and you can pick your firm and insurance on UCAS track.
Please note UCAS have a range of deadlines that you must make your decision by.
Should you miss your deadline UCAS may decline your application on your behalf.

I would like to defer my place, what should I do? 
If you wish to defer your place, you are only able to do this once. 
Please email [email protected] stating your name and UCAS personal ID number along with the course you are applying for and a brief statement explaining that you wish to defer your application. 
We are only able to defer applicants when they hold an unconditional offer. 
Should you wish defer for a second year you would need to withdraw your application fully and reapply to the course.

海威科姆 High Wycombe




海威科姆 High Wycombe








諾丁丘嘉年華 The Notting Hill Carnival




倫敦的航空運輸十分發達,有希思羅機場和蓋茨維克機場這兩個機場。希思羅機場位於倫敦西郊,是歐洲客運量最大的機場,有時一天起降飛機近千架次,空運高峰期間,平均每分鐘有一架飛機起降。倫敦的市內交通方便,地鐵是市內主要交通工具。 1863年1月10日,世界上第一條地下鐵路——倫敦地下鐵道開始通車。至1991年,倫敦全市地鐵幹線有9條,全長414公里。倫敦地鐵的技術和管理設備先進,所有調度和信號系統均為自動控制。 1897年,倫敦開始有公共汽車服務,是世界上最早有公共汽車的城市之一。至1991年,大倫敦市區共有公共汽車線路350多條,總長度為2800公里,公共汽車6600多輛,且都是雙層公共汽車。此外,倫敦還有約1.3萬輛出租汽車。 


香腸佐薯泥 Bangers and Mash

英國人稱呼香腸為 Bangers,是因為二次大戰時物資短缺,沒有足夠的動物肉及油脂製作香腸,於是兌了比較多水進去,導致煎炸香腸時容易產生油爆,發出嗶嗶波波的聲響,英文用 Bang 來形容這種聲音,遂把香腸叫做 Bangers。通常會搭配馬鈴薯泥和濃郁的肉汁一同食用。






學生的另一個選項為分租公寓(英文稱為Shared house)。分租公寓的出租價格浮動空間比獨立套房大,隨著共用廚房及衛浴的人數變化。分租公寓出租會牽涉到英國房屋稅問題,所以房東會要求學生提供在學證明,以免除該稅金。雅房的租金費用分別有每週及每月繳費,所以學生需留意出租期間限制是否符合其需求。