

Bishop Hall Lane, Chelmsford Essex CM1 1SQ
  • 社會工作、社會政策及行政的研究範疇獲得英國國家研究評鑑RAE「國際
  • 課程由英國護理師暨助產士全聯會NMC、社工協會GSCC、健康醫療專業





大學校園主要分為劍橋校區(Cambridge Campus)及切姆斯福德校區(Chelmsford Campus)。劍橋校區與國際著名的劍橋大學仳鄰而居,共享劍橋圖書館豐富的學術資源,而切姆斯福德校區距離倫敦中心搭乘火車約30分鐘即可到達,交通便利。


  • 最先進的模擬重症實驗室,讓學生熟悉、體驗未來工作環境
  • 課程國際化,符合聯合國的「千年發展目標」
  • 高品質、創新且有活力的即時研究環境


  • 與英國健保局(NHS)合作建立模擬英國醫院的專業實驗室
  • 師資卓越,獲英國護理師暨助產士協會NMC肯定
  • 以培養專業技能訓練為主要目標,94%的畢業生在畢業後6個月內即成功就業。
  • 帶領學生至心臟照護中心、燒傷中心及臨終關懷中心參訪學習
  • 第一線臨床人員在地教育經驗

學位:Nursing - Adult BSc(Hons)


課程名稱 學分
健康與社會關懷專業實習前置準備 Preparation for Professional Practice in Health & Social Care  
研究與學習方法 Research & Study Skills  
健康訓練與社會關懷 Practising Health & Social Care  


課程名稱 學分
健康保健與福利之促進 Promoting Health & Wellbeing  
專業醫療保健標準維持 Maintaining Professional Healthcare Standards  
長期疾病與安寧照護 Long-Term Conditions & End-of-Life-Care  


課程名稱 學分
健康狀況劇烈轉變之瞭解與處理 Understanding & Responding to Acute Changes in Health  
醫療保健品質管理與監測 Managing & Monitoring Quality in Healthcare  
畢業報告 Undergraduate Major Project  




生活費 學費
宿舍/月 三餐/月 交通卡/月 保險/月 手機/月 來回機票/年 £11,300
£1,000 £400 £200 £100 £30 £1,000
官網標示費用/年 約台幣220萬元



Basic steps

Applying with us is a fairly straightforward process. Here are the five basic steps you need to follow to apply to your course of choice. You can click on the boxes below for more details on each step.

Step 1 - Choose your course

If you've already chosen your course then congratulations, you’ve already completed the hardest step in your application process!

Step 2 - Submit your application form

The easiest and quickest way is to apply online via our course pages. Just go to your course page and choose apply online option, which is at the top right corner. This option is available for all levels: undergraduate, postgraduate and research.

Please note if you're an EU student and are interested in undergraduate courses, you need to apply via UCAS, all information about this application route is provided on course pages.

Make sure that before submitting your application you understand your chosen course entry requirements (academic and English language requirements). If you have any questions at this stage, do not hesitate to contact us on [email protected] - we're here to help!

Be aware that you'll need to support your application by providing copies of the following documents, so you need to have them prepared:

  • Qualification certificates and transcripts
  • A statement of purpose
  • References
  • Proof of name change (if applicable)
  • Passport
  • Portfolio (if applicable)
  • Curriculum vitae/resume

Struggling with the internet connection in your country? Download our international applicant pack and application form:

International Applicant Pack

International Application Form

Once you complete the form, please return via email to:[email protected].

Make sure your contact details are all correct. We'll send important information about your application process via email, including CAS deadlines, accommodation booking information and many more, which will guide you on your application process.

Step 3 - Check your email regularly

After you submit your application, you'll receive a confirmation email from us. This email will include your student identification number (SID), which will be necessary to check your application status at any point.

From there, our team will start to assess your application. Some applications will need to be referred for faculties and to be checked by the course leaders, so please be patient!

We may also come back to you and ask to provide more supporting documents. Therefore, it's very important that the contact details on your application form are correct and up to date and that you check your email regularly for correspondence back from us.

During this process, if you wish to get in touch with us about anything, feel free to use the following details:

Phone: +44 (0) 1245 493 131

Email: [email protected]

If you applied through an in-country representative, please contact them directly for any updates on your application. For a trusted list of our partners and representatives, please visit our information by country pages.

Step 4 - Receive our decision on your application

We aim to provide an initial response and/or a decision upon your application as soon as possible.

Provided you meet our English, academic and immigration requirements, you'll be likely to receive an offer from us. 

Once you receive this, you must accept it firmly and provide copies of all documents requested (for example, academic qualifications and English language test results) to meet the conditions. Keep in mind that we may come back to you and ask to provide more supporting documents. Therefore, it's very important that the contact details on your application form are correct and up to date and that you check your email regularly for correspondence back from us.

Aside of this, you will be asked to pay the deposit too. Please note that all full fee paying international students will be required to pay the deposit before being issued with a CAS. Currently, the deposit for Undergraduate and Postgraduate taught courses is £4000; further details of the deposit will be included in the Offer letter. This deposit is non-refundable except in the event of visa refusal or exceptional circumstances. 

To pay your deposit, as well as your fees, please use our web payments system.

For more information about your deposit and how to pay your fees, please visit our Fees and Scholarships page.

You'll also need to complete the previous study form (doesn’t apply to our EU students). For more information about this form, please visit our immigration page.

Once we have received all the information we need, we'll issue a Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies (CAS)*. Once you receive your CAS, you'll be able to apply for a visa, although keep in mind that it will only be issued three months before the start date of the course.

*Note that CAS is not relevant to EU students. Your application process is completed as soon as you have accepted your offer.

I haven't heard from you yet

  • Check your email, including the junk folder. We may have requested further information or additional documents from you.
  • Contact your in-country representative (if applicable).
  • If you're a direct applicant and you haven’t heard from us in ten business days, please email us at: [email protected]

Step 5 - Start your visa application

Well done in getting this far!

Now you need to think about your visa and plan your trip to the UK. Please refer to ourimmigration page for advice on how to prepare yourself for the visa interview and what you need to know before applying to it.

Already have your visa? Then you can now start planning your trip to Anglia Ruskin. And most importantly don’t forget to book your place in our free International orientation programme, where you'll get all the information you need to have a successful start at ARU.

And of course, from all of us at Anglia Ruskin, we wish you the best of luck and can't wait to meet you!


切姆斯福德 Chelmsford




安格利亞魯斯金大學主要分為劍橋 Cambridge 及切姆斯福德 Chelmsford 兩個校區

校區一:劍橋 Cambridge



校區二:切姆斯福德 Chelmsford






英國國會會議廳附屬的大笨鐘是倫敦最具代表性的地標之一,也是英國的象徵。為了紀念設計建造這座鐘塔的總工程師本傑明•霍爾爵士(Sir Benjamin Hall),1858年竣工的哥特式尖頂巨型鐘樓被正式命名為「Big Ben」。大笨鐘的樓高為97米,鐘樓內共鳴鐘的直徑超過7米,重量近14噸,是一個名副其實的「重量級選手」。大笨鐘鐘樓頂部的四面時鐘根據格林威治時間,每隔一小時便敲響報時一次,從1859年便開始為倫敦全國市民提供準確報時至今,算得上是全英國最勤勞、最盡職的「報時員」了。


1894年正式啟用,素有「倫敦正門」之稱的倫敦塔橋(Tower Bridge)是泰晤士河口的首座大橋,在2012年的倫敦奧運會中更是掛上了五環標誌,並在橋底噴出煙花,參與奧運會開幕式的表演。橫跨泰晤士河兩岸的 倫敦塔橋是泰晤士河上最亮麗、最矚目的風景線,這座擁有6車道的水泥結構大橋實行人性化的人車分道設計,而且為了方便大船通過,倫敦塔橋的中心橋面可以緩緩升起並打開。儘管此情景每天只上演一次,但絲毫阻擋不了熱情的外國遊客爭相觀賞這令人興奮的一幕。倫敦塔橋的橋基上有兩座用花崗岩與鋼鐵構成的方形主塔,登上塔頂可飽覽泰晤士河上下游的無限風光。


蓋伊福克斯之夜 Guy Fawkes Nightight

Guy Fawkes Nightight 又稱為『Guy Fawkes Day』或『Bonfire Night』,中文稱為『蓋伊福克斯之夜 』或『 篝火之夜』,是英國歷史悠久的慶典。每年於11月5日,在英國全國各地有遊行以及煙火活動。
蓋伊福克斯之夜,最早於1605年的11月5日開始,已有四百多年的歷史。十七世紀時,爆破專家 蓋伊福克斯,將火藥埋在國會大廈(House of Parliament)地下室,企圖殺死國王詹姆士一世和國會議員。幸而陰謀敗漏,最後被逮補並處以死刑。國王為了紀念此事件,施放煙火以慶祝陰謀被粉碎。流傳至今,夜晚時民眾會拿著火炬,並將蓋伊福克斯的人偶,扔到篝火中燃燒以慶祝。



倫敦的航空運輸十分發達,有希思羅機場和蓋茨維克機場這兩個機場。希思羅機場位於倫敦西郊,是歐洲客運量最大的機場,有時一天起降飛機近千架次,空運高峰期間,平均每分鐘有一架飛機起降。倫敦的市內交通方便,地鐵是市內主要交通工具。 1863年1月10日,世界上第一條地下鐵路——倫敦地下鐵道開始通車。至1991年,倫敦全市地鐵幹線有9條,全長414公里。倫敦地鐵的技術和管理設備先進,所有調度和信號系統均為自動控制。 1897年,倫敦開始有公共汽車服務,是世界上最早有公共汽車的城市之一。至1991年,大倫敦市區共有公共汽車線路350多條,總長度為2800公里,公共汽車6600多輛,且都是雙層公共汽車。此外,倫敦還有約1.3萬輛出租汽車。


牛肉布丁 Steak-and-kidney pudding







學生的另一個選項為分租公寓(英文稱為Shared house)。分租公寓的出租價格浮動空間比獨立套房大,隨著共用廚房及衛浴的人數變化。分租公寓出租會牽涉到英國房屋稅問題,所以房東會要求學生提供在學證明,以免除該稅金。雅房的租金費用分別有每週及每月繳費,所以學生需留意出租期間限制是否符合其需求。